Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (2024)

Discussion (1)


Required Skill Points: 360

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (1)

Normal Blaze Level 7

Level 7

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (2) Damage Amplification

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (3) Charge Flame

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (4) Quick Recharge

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (5)

Normal Frost's Call Level 12

Level 12

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (6) 5 Enlightenment

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (7) 5 Unstable Rule

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (8) 5 Enhanced Strike

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (9) Wealth

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (10) 7

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (11) 7

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (12)

Normal Squall Level 4

Level 4

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (13) Agile Cast

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (14) Rage

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (15)

Normal Punishing Strike Level 12

Level 12

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (16) 5 Mind Enhancement

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (17) 5 Electric Discharge

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (18) 5 Magick Amplification

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (19) Galewind

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (20) 7

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (21) 7

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (22)

Normal Esoteric Reaction Level 12

Level 12

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (23) 5 Quick Prep

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (24) 5 Enhanced Strike

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (25) 5 Stabilized Crystal

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (26) Wealth

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (27) 7

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (28) 7

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (29)

Normal Rime Arrow Level 12

Level 12

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (30) 5 Enlightenment

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (31) 5 Piercing Strike

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (32) 5 Ice Pick

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (33) Wealth

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (34) 7

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (35) 7

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (36)

Normal Explosion Level 12

Level 12

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (37) 5 Ignite

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (38) 5 Weak Point Detection

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (39) 5 Magick Amplification

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (40) Galewind

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (41) 7

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (42) 7

Gems & Rune

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (43)

Normal Doomsday Level 12

Level 12

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (44) 5 Mind Enhancement

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (45) 5 Asteroid

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (46) 5 Magick Amplification

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (47) Galewind

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (48) 8

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (49) 7

Gems & Rune


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (50) Enviska's Might


Engraving Points: 75

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (51)

15 Points Level 3 Igniter

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (52)

15 Points Level 3 Grudge

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (53)

15 Points Level 3 Hit Master

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (54)

15 Points Level 3 Adrenaline

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (55)

15 Points Level 3 All-Out Attack

Card Sets

Azena and Inanna

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (56)

Light of Salvation


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (57)

Light of Salvation


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (58)

Light of Salvation


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (59)

Light of Salvation


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (60)

Light of Salvation


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (61)

Light of Salvation

Light of Salvation Collect 6 Cards (Awakening 18): Holy Damage +7.00%

Build Details & Information

Hello! I am Brother Chris and I have been playing Lost Ark since its western release in February 2022. This is meant to be an introductory guide to quickly get you up to speed for a raid/pve Igniter Sorceress so you can get to screaming DEMACI and dropping giant meteors.

Class Introduction

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (62)Igniter Sorceress is one of the best, if not the best burst class in Lost Ark. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (63)Igniter has a very cyclical build-dump rotation

  • Incredible burst
  • Long casting range
  • Very squishy
  • Very slow, very low mobility


Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (64)Igniter has two "phases" to their rotation, the build phase and the burst phase. The build phase has no real rotation, just prioritize the highest meter generating spells like Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (65)Frost's Call, Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (66)Rime Arrow, and Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (67)Esoteric Reaction. It is also okay to use Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (68)Punishing Strike and Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (69)Explosion to build meter, I typically would avoid using Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (70)Doomsday as it has a significant CD and in most cases unless a boss is doing a mechanic you will easily be able to build your meter before Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (71)Doomsday will be back up, and you want to try to delay Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (72)Arcane Rupture as little as possible. Also good to note that Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (73)Blaze is your damage amplifying ability to always try to have it available for the big burst of your Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (74)Arcane Rupture dump cycle.

The burst phase rotation would look something like this.

  1. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (75)Blaze
  2. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (76)Doomsday
  3. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (77)Frost's Call
  4. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (78)Arcane Rupture
  5. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (79)Explosion
  6. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (80)Punishing Strike
  7. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (81)Rime Arrow
  8. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (82)Esoteric Reaction
  9. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (83)Frost's Call
  10. Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (84)Doomsday

This is your bread and butter double Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (85)Doomsday burst dump. In order to be able to get 2 off in one Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (86)Arcane Rupture you need at minimum a level 7 cooldown gem, though I wouldn't go any less than a level 8 - even then it can be a bit close and sometimes if you delay it even a half second it can not hit during the Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (87)Igniter window.


The engraving build I have listed here is one of the meta builds, I will also throw in alternatives as there are a few options for Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (88)Igniter

Engraving priority would be something like Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (89)Igniter > Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (90)All-Out Attack >Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (91)Grudge > Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (92)Hit Master > Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (93)Adrenaline

There are two reasonable alternate engraving choices you can run if you dislike Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (94)Adrenaline. You can replace it with either Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (95)Cursed Doll for more overall consistent damage or Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (96)Precise Dagger to retain some of that crit you're losing by dropping Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (97)Adrenaline.


Very straightforward spec/crit split for Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (98)Igniter Sorceress. Like most spec classes we are starved for crit unfortunately. I would suggest trying to get as much quality as is reasonable for the highest amount of spec you can.

Specialization: 1700
Crit: 550

Is what I have on my Sorc, this is with relic accessories and a bracelet and all potions unlocked from horizontal content.

Relic Set

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (99)Igniter has two viable relic set choices, but for this guide we will be using the Nightmare set. There exists another build that utilizes Hallucination but there are also some modifications to engravings to follow with that change.


There is pretty much no flexibility with skills on Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (100)Igniter sorc. All the skills are here for a good reason, generally the only skill you'll be swapping is your counter, Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (101)Squall can be swapped into Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (102)Inferno on encounters where you don't need a counter for more meter generation and weak point.


Runes are pretty important for Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (103)Igniter as getting wealth runes on your big meter builders is imperative to reduce the "build" phase of your cycle. Use the best wealth runes you have access to, and prioritize them to unlock.

Card Sets

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (104)Igniter can make good use of Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (105)Lostwind Cliff due to missing crit and said card set gives a nice flat 7% crit rate.

As always for most raw damage if you have Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (106)Light of Salvation 18 awakening, feel free to run that.

Raid/PvE Igniter Sorceress - Lost Ark Build Guide (2024)


What stats for Igniter Sorceress? ›

Igniter Sorceress receives +12/20/30% Crit Rate and +20/37/55% Crit Damage upon entering Arcane Rupture . Activating her identity grants you the following effects for its entire duration: Greatly shortened skill cast time. +18% Damage to skills with an Elemental Attribute.

How to play Igniter Sorc? ›

Opener Rotation
  1. Start with. Blaze to apply synergy during raid and debuff the enemy.
  2. Use. Doomsday.
  3. If the identity gauge is full, activate Arcane Rupture before. Doomsday hits the target.
  4. Follow up with. Explosion.
  5. Use. Punishing Strike.
  6. Cast. Rime Arrow.
  7. Activate. Esoteric Reaction.
  8. Use. Frost's Call.
May 30, 2023

What stats are good for sorceress lost ark? ›

Best Lost Ark Sorceress build: Combat Stats and accessories

During the main story, look for Specialization to help build your Magick Meter faster. Swiftness is a nice secondary stat that reduces your cooldowns, while Crit will crank up your critical hit damage. All three stats will help you clear content faster.

What is the sorceress ability in Lost Ark? ›

In Lost Ark, the Sorceress is a mage class that focuses on using the elements to unleash devastating attacks upon her enemies. The Sorceress skill set consists of a wide variety of elemental and arcane magic attacks.

What is the best engraving for igniter sorceress? ›

engravings. You need Igniter for this build to work. All-Out Attack and Hitmaster are free damage for you. Standard Grudge and the 5th engraving you can work towards is Adrenaline, Precise Dagger, or Cursed Doll.

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The sorcerer's spellcasting ability is based on their charisma, so naturally, charisma is the number one priority when it comes to stats.

What is the best weapon for sorceress lost ark? ›

Staves are the weapon of choice for the Sorceress class in Lost Ark. There are a few different rare, epic, and legendary staff weapons for players to choose from, but for the best effects, a higher-tier weapon should be crafted or obtained.

Is Sorcerer good in Lost Ark? ›

They are known for being able to do a ton of damage safely from afar, as well as control areas of the battlefield with their spells and status effects. Of course, given that they have so much that they can do safely at a distance, they are squishy.

Are mages good in Lost Ark? ›

Mages are excellent at controlling the battlefield with lethal AoE and crowd control spells. Lost Ark players focused on doing damage to entire crowds of enemies with widely dispersed AoE spells or aiding teammates with healing spells are best suited to playing Mages.

What is the sorceress identity in Lost Ark? ›

Sorceress' identity consists of a single Arcane Magick bar which can be used for either Arcane Rupture or Blink. Every hit you land will generate varying amounts of meter. Arcane Rupture [Z]: Consumes all Arcane Magick to gain a buff for a few seconds.

What are awakening skills in Lost Ark? ›

Lost Ark Awakening Skills are your character's ultimate class skills, and unlocking them requires several hours of questing across the western half of Arkesia, through dangerous areas that pose a significant challenge.

What class is Arcana in Lost Ark? ›

Arcanist (also known as Arcana) is an advanced class for the female mage found in Lost Ark. She is primarily a ranged class that uses magick decks as her main weapon.

What stat is best for sorceress Diablo 2? ›

Key stats for your Sorceress in Diablo 2: Resurrected

Faster cast rate, faster hit recovery, magic find, resistances, and vitality are all key ingredients. The energy attribute can also be important if you're planning an Energy Shield build, but otherwise your standard gear will afford you enough mana.

What stats to stack for Fire Mage? ›

Best Stats for Fire Mage. Fire Mages primarily favor Intellect and Haste. All secondary stats start to diminish if you continue stacking them, so usually you end up with a more even spread as your item-level increases.

What stats for red mage? ›

On Red Mage, our stat priority is as follows:
  • Weapon Damage;
  • Intelligence and Vitality;
  • Critical Hit;
  • Determination = Direct Hit;
  • Spell Speed.
Jan 20, 2024

What is the best base for flickering flame sorceress? ›

The elite Demonhead mask has a minimum level requirement of 55 and a STR requirement of 102, making it the perfect base for Flickering Flame. Bone Visage is just a bit higher (just a few points higher on Defense) but it's much harder to find due to its higher quality level of 84.

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