The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

Monday, May 22, 1922. Page Eleven TT 7 Jeff Uncorks a Hot Shot rd-Maie neip ICopyricM, 1811. By H. a Fisher. Trad Mark Reg.

U. S. Pat. Off.) 'WrTMEN! for rod and day and ni-jht oav bonus in Sdeptftoent. Come ready r.

Irk. Mueller Metals. a b-zz Molding: JLM.XJCJ rvivi nuwi 1 llUii.rvil lVULAJ MHBMMBMIIMBBMW I MUTT AND JEFF U. teifess fwArres -buT GcoreceK word. awt -n bv xne cuav THev)i machine laborers and null fights.

American Bushing Corp. -rawith ctur and ialeB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR RENT DIRECTORY THUMB NEWS Thumb Deaths and extra contract. Tire JtCIt-Vo "rst class uphoi-'fi 'CP Sol.ter.ns Co. 411 Wanted-Ftemale wer iiperienco absolutely O. box ITS.

e- TTi: competent g.ri to uo rV must he Will to TntetrSrgood position to inquire Rubenstein'S; KJ6'' fcrw ire. -4rl woman to assiss. wan -ztz a good woman itt Te'Vrenc' H0.00 per vr. ti. Mich.

fTvaTfl-'St class repair wo- 01 Water fT-Ftniaie oUcitora, 1 2- 50 alarr. J. SriS Fort 212 Tvtzj woman i v- or VaV5 st; 1-22 Tnrq aortera and Trov Laundry oi ,4 0.. rir nTD Experienced cook. Mary TeTafioppe, opposite Ilar- t-gpn Hotel.

and paper hanger; a hest work only. fj va't st LTEoWaltrsia at Port Hu-Beaarant. 13 Military St. "TTiSK Appiv Desmond rWuuraat, formerly Busy Bea. 51 to wit'a housework, go ta-t airata: Lincoln are.

6-23 a mhftnii Wills Ste. Ciire Co- 419 Broaa St. 5-t3 'aXTEO Girl to aosist with l1-1 SiitH St. 624 Apply H. rnn-mwn.

A1 Tent St. vT-B-n rran fof drlvlnr wa ns- Farr Fnrnitare Co. 5-22-0 taNTD Kig'at Janitor; PPlT TaXTEIV-Cleric for laacii counter. Lith Hetel. Cimbrnsld; Lauth Hotel 6-22 Wanted Situations yotrns man wishes poj.uon: as priTaie cnauireur jiore 5-22 5" Position ai truck driver.

rEeo track; box 2i Times-Hra'4 5-22 Wanted Salesmen 'Set aaa wmrehons. 208 ft. 25 2, cactraHy located. Railway tncii on both aidea. Can be aMd for supplies, hay.

feed, lumber or otber 2s. yon kava been thinking iboat fiicr Into business for joursetf look this over. Will eon-tier used ear. Phono 1323. 6-22 'Wasted lALESMEf i.iCu OH Company of Cayoland, OH, marketer ainco 1SSS quality atfeuca and paints, desires per nent ierrices of local representee In 22 Michigan counties; Ke.ereen qualified to deal with Zr', commission witii e.oiEoM.e expenses paid; write 3-7 tor 6-22 Business Chances LAP.GE3T chain store corpora-w-Sf K' th country is elaa cat man with to open and take Lti ef retail store In this vi- "tL'v ferience unnecessary as he mT, schooled but 1naIlfy to honesty clean record; must be moderate lnTeat-.

k.i' enred; to such a man Ter ottractire Proposition which will income Cf from $4,000 a year; immediate re--n1 tato all ability and fin- retponsibility in first 15ttr to ExecntlTC Michigan avenue. 5-22 Wanted Miscellan's fiT experienced man fjffi. or taken down; m. Bcl wns fixed 1 reenth phono 849W. tons clover mixed FeTT St.

Thomas fTvS-- 5-20 WroaJ BirT- lot from owner IvtF7 CMh: box 25 Times- 'e in 11 larcl3ea apartment, near hospital; phone 5-20 fori rtwrr aa spee1- -or rai4 p-non h.17t for SaleAn tns 5-23 lctrio car, Jiy4 Erie Lnl" 3-nA 3 f- ana cbknZV? containing mia tickets and meV-HVf return containing fo check for 11.75 Please r11 tt-. "otm; rewara. iST tt betweST iIk 5-23 Ljl. piease can BUSINESS FOR SALE CAREY ASPHALT SHINGLES mjRON FTJKL SUPPIiY CO. David n.

Houston, Gen. Mgr. Phone 1501 Grand IUver Ave. $-7-0 MR. AUTO OWNER.

ARE YOUR GEARS WORN OUT OR STRIPPED? IF SO. SEE US. We can furnish new gears or axle shafts for any make of cara and save you big money. Wo carry a complete line of used tires all sizes, and the prices are right. Have wo Ford trucks.

Ford roadster, Cadillac touring and Bulck speedster for sale; prices of same would surprise you. PORT HURON AUTO WRECKING COMPANY 30i Grand River Ave. Phone 2488J. Th" Home of Auto Parts M. A.

COHEN, PROP. PR03IPT RESPONSIBLE E. R. MAXEY Rugs, Carpets, Upholstery CLEANING Phone 2127-J 1117 Glllett St. 4-3-0 WEBB AND GOODWIN.

Houses built and repaired. Beach cottages, garages, cabinet work, store fronts and stair work. Get our prices. Phone 1826-J. 6-20 Phono 1744 Opposite City Hall 24 Hour Service Park Cleaning Works CLEANING.

PRESSING AND REPAIRING Wo Call and Deliver 414 Huron Avenuo Port Huron, Mich. TARS HALL FURNACE CO. Wolverine heating ystema, pipe and pipeless, sold anywhere In Thumb of Michigan by A. V. Parra- tee.

Territory Agent. 1103 Pine Grove Ave. Phone 785. 3-16-0 TVTOVING BAGGAGE TRANSFER Long distance trucking. Quick service and reasonable rates.

Call Bill McBrayne. Phone 1187-J. 1010 Willow St. 6-18-0 TJEPAIR THAT LEAKY ROOF Reliable work, reasonatle prices, satisfaction guaranteed. The H.

H. Clough Co 1221 Military St. Phone 744. 11-6-0 P. BYERS, Contractor and Builder.

Modern Home and General Repair Work. We do all kinds of Cement work. Estimates furnished. 1818 Elk St- Phone 14S3-J. 2-7-0 Otto R.

CIsSsy Fire Insurance and Real Estate 1306 Military St. Phone 428 BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished: also floor surfacing with electric eander. James J. Meigs, res. 1109 Tenth St.

Phone 2091 or 2020. 10-4-0 ACME UPHOLSTERING CO. 411 10th St. Phone 2374-R Goods called for and delivered in a radius of 30 miles. ESTIMATES FREE We Sell New Furniture NIF-TEE Custom Made Slip Covers for automobiles and furniture.

Special on Ford Sedan and Coupe. We make and repair everything In the sewing line. ED R. ABERNETHY. Factory rear of 1118 Court St.

Phone 2091-W. 5-16-0 LUBAHN Phone 1885 CITY CAR WASHING Cars Called For and Delivered U4 Water St. Port Huron, Mich. 5-24 Call J. E.

Van Camp, Cement Contractor, for your garage floors, driveway and cellar floors, and sidewalks, best work in city and best prices. 25 years experience. All work guaranteed. 1337 Francis St. Phone 1157.

-io PLUMBING HEATING Gratiot Ave. Phone 999-F1. Estimates. Watson Bros. "TRUCKING AND MOVING.

Local or Long Distance. A. I YAGER, 2021 8th St. Phone 854-J. 6-24 FOR CINDERS PHONE 83 R.

C. JARVIS i-20-0 HOUSES RAISED AND MOVED Basem*nts dug and chimneys built. All klnda of cement work. S. MURDOCH 1828 River.

PLUMBING AND HEATING AH kinds of new and repair work, estimates furnished; G. N. Aber-nethy. 725 Chestnut. Phone 1395.

BIDS WANTED Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the City Clerk, City of Port Huron, up to eleven o'clock a. Thursday, May 25th, 1922, for one truck of one to one and one-half ton rated capacity with express body. Said bid to contain a full description, size and carrying capacity of body and truck. A certified check of $100.00 must accompany each bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

EMMA C. FITZPATRICK, City Clerfl. 6-24 PHONE 72 cOHN ASM AN 509-510 MEISELBLDG WATER ALiSf Bad Axe Cast To See Own Show Presented By Harbor Beach Cast Harbor Beach, May 22 Twenty members of the Bad Axe high school Junior class, the cast of the Bad Axe presentation of "Patty Makes Things Hum," will attend the presentation here tonight of the same show, by the members of the Harbor Beach high school junior class. The cast will be brought to the show by C. M.

Horn, class faculty advisor and Miss Packard and Miss Wood-worth, in charge of the dramatic interpretation and musical specialties for the Bad Axe presentation. Salient interpretations by the Harbor Beach cast will probably be Incorporated into the Bad Axe show. The play will be given in the community house theatre, tonight, starting at 8 o'clock. Band Will Resume Outdoor Concerts Bad Axe Outdoor band concerts will be resumed here next Wednesday night, weather rer mitting, Walter Howell, band director, has announced. Regular practices have been held indoors every week of the winter In preparation for the summer.

The full personnel of 22 pieces will be present for the first concert on the court house lawn. Thumb Briefs Harbor Beach The Woman's club of Harbor Beach held its n-nual election Saturday afternoon in the community house. A feature of the meeting was a fashion show, after the business of the organisation was completed. Bad Axe The Girl Scouts organization Is selling tickets to the Bad Axe opera house show, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, when a Scout feature film, "Golden Eagle," will be shown. Part ot the proceeds will be turned over to the organization for their camp fund.

From this fund, uniforms will be purchased and camp necessities provided. Sandnsky A marriage license has been issued to Myron W. Patrick, 23, Port Huron and Helen Richards, 23. Croswell. Bad Axe Joe Volk has comdet ed the installation of a radio re ceiving outfit in his shop, and is perfecting the horn attachment for accomodating large crowds at the reports of ball games and concerts.

I have beach enttnp-iin to rpnt from $375 to $1200 for summer. aiso a lew cnoice cottages and lots for sale. FiirnlshAd hnrimlnn down town at $70 per month till cept. ist. I also have applications for rooms, anartments and cntfocpa nr or near beaches for from 2 weeks to months.

What have you to offer? ROSS L. MAHON K4K Waro- St Phone 1152, Res. 433-J. 5-20-0 Lk Here $4,000 buys modern home. Tenth and Crescent Place; $700 down; vacant, ready to move in.

81800 buys new house Just outside of city limits: two lots for garden and chickens: vacant, ready to move in; $100 down. $15 monthly. $2400 buys new house at 1130 Wells street; $200 down. $2500 buys seven room house in good condition, one-half acre of fine garden land; $200 down, $25 monthly. $1200 buys ten acre chicken farm; $200 down.

$6500 buys 80 acres, eight miles from city, fine buildings; trade for house, vacant, ready to move on. vantAi! Ht rnur farm and city property with us If you want 10 sen ua juu in surance. 504 Water St. Phone 2230-925W OfttFettkg For Sale Miscellan's MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE Twenty-five feet long, Speedboat design. Powered with a four cylinder Kermath Motor.

Simms Dual Ignition Magneto. Equipped with Reverse Gear and lot of Ex tras. Overhauled and Painted recently. An Excellent Bargain J. D.

Walsh. Phone 2579-W 5-22 FOR SALK I will sell the northeast turner 01 onion ana to-jneentn streets, measuring 153 feet on Fourteenth street and 102 feet on Union street, making; three 61x102 foot lots, for 11.00. with 1,000 down payment; sewer in. Call Alex. T.

Stewart at 600 or 1627J. 5-22 KITCHEN CABINET. J10.00; machines, $5 and 17; (rood hand power washing: machines. water power washer cheap; gas stove. $6 Iota of other cheap for cash.

Goods delivered. Wilson's, 1010 Thirteenth. 5-22 KERR'S Typewriter Emporium buys, veils, rents and exchanges all makes of new and rebuilt typewriters, adding: machines, cash registers, scales, supplies and repairs for all; at 616 Water rtreet. 5-4-0 FOR SALE Library table floor lamp, complete; vacuum sweeper, like new, porch chairs, rugs and other furniture at a bargain; Victor records; 720 Ontario St. 5-22 FOR SALE; One full size brass bed, ono oak dining; room buffet, one small open g-aa grate; 615 Union St.

Call between and a o'clock tonight. 5-26 FOR SALE "Whito reed baby carriage in first clars condition; also bassinette with spring's; call at' 1111 Sedgrwick St, or phone 12S3W 6-24 FOR SALE or rent, five room bungalow on south Military street; has large lot; call 769W or 3513 Military St. 5-24 JliST THINK $420 is ail wo ask for a slightly used player; rolla and bench free. Grlnnell Bros. S-20 NEW MILCH COW for sale, and Dodge touring car; been driven 7.000 miles; 2834 Thirtieth St.

6-22 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey new milch cow. Danny Randolph. Yeager a treet. 62 3 FOR SALE Thoroughbred German Roller canaries, young birds. $5.00.

Phone 1471W. 6-22 FOR SALE Corner lot, corner Washington ave. and Eleventh avenue; phone 994W. 5-20-0 FOR SALE Choico dahlias, 1913 Sixteenth street; call lg98J. 5-22 FOR SALE A roll top desk in good condition: S09 Ninth St.

5-24 FOR SALE Grey willow baby buu-gy; 1301 Hanco*ck St. 5-23 MAT FOR SALE Call 7100F12. P. H. Fergus.

Lakeport. 6-23 FOR SALE: Baby chicks; box 66 Yeager Campaq. 6-22 For Sale Houses $200.00 DOWN buya my new bungalow, modern improvement such as gas, bath, electric lights, splendid location, close in: one block from paved street; prlc only $2500; terms $200 down and $25.00 per month Including interest; blgirest bargain ever offered in the city; come to room 15 Whito Elock for further partic-i-lars; a-22 FOR SALE An eight-room old dwelling house, could be moved from lot and rebuilt. In modern bungalow, or torn down on lot and material would mean a biz-saving for anvone building; for particulars Inquire 1308 Court St. 5-23 FOR SALE; New home for $1900, small payment down, balance to suit purchaser, good location; call at 1115 Howard St.

or phone 2S07J. R-24 FOR SALE Cottage at Desmond, small payment down, balance easy terms; box 2 Times-Herald. 6-24 BIDS WANTED Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city clerk until 11:00 o'clock A. Thursday. May 25th, 1922, for band concerts for season 1922.

Said band to contain not less than eighteen pieces. Number of concerto If. Concerts for the season to be played on Thursday evening of each week from 7:30 to 9.30 and on Sunday afternoons from $:00 to 6:00 o'clock. Proposals murt be accompanied by a certified check of $25.00, payable to the city clerk. City commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

EMMA C. FITZPATRICK. 5-24 City Clerk. READ THE HERALD LINERS 5-24 Mrs. James Kennedy Brown City, May 22 Mrs.

James Kennedy died at her home on East Main street, Thursday afternoon, after a long Illness. She is survived by her husband and two sons, Myron, of Pontiajs and James at home. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church. Rev. A.

Salyer officiating. Interment In Brown City cemetery. Mrs. Leo Li nek Brown City, May 22 Mrs, Leo Linck died at her home, five and one-half miles west of here. In Burnside township, Friday evening.

Mrs. Linck had been In poor: health for a long time. he was about 40 years of age. She Is survived by her husband and three children, Mildred, Edward and Tauline. Miss Loretta Brennan Yale, May 22.

Miss- Loretta Brennan youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brennan died on Saturday morning at her home east of Yale after a long illness. The funeral will take place at the Sacred Heart church Tuesday. Elisha McAulcy Sandusky, May 22.

Funeral services for Elisha McAuley were held from the M. E. church Saturday-afternoon. ARMADA Mrs. Alvin Rogers was hostess to the Circle Sewing club at her home on South Fulton street Saturday afternoon.

and Mrs. Purl Hurd and little son of Mt. Pleas- ant have moved here and are residing with her mother, Mrs. Mary Shaw. E.

D. A. True Is en- tertaining her aunt. Miss Lydia C. Hopkins of Detroit Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Irwin ara moving; to Mt. Clemens, where he has a Mrs. W. A.

Tibbits is visiting at the home of her son, W. H. Tibbits and family in Detroit and taking medical treatments Mrs. C. H.

Meeker and two daughters spent the past week with relatives in Lansing. and Mrs. L. W. Grice and baby are visiting Iter parents at Uni6n City.

Frank Wetling and son Roy and Miss Me-ta Rossow, are visiting in Farrand is visiting relatives in Rochester. Emma Eldrich of Detroit Is visiting relatives here. BROWN" CITY Mesdames G. A. McKay.

C. E. Wooley, H. Glover, Norman Wit-mer, R. W.

Ryan, Miss Bessie Gunn and D. A. Brooks attended the Tri-County association of the Eastern Star at Croswell Friday afternoon and evening Mrs. L. C.

Tait returned to Cathro. on Friday after an extended visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N.

G. Cronce Frank Taft, civil engineer for the P.M. railway was here Friday Norman Witmer la at a sanitorium at Detroit taking treatments Ray Sharp closed his school work for the term Friday at the Bottom Creek school. He expects to return there for another George Sutphen closed hi3 school work at the Zeign-hardt school Friday. He expects to return to the work in the fall.

YALE Howard Ruh came home Friday night from Ann Arbor to spend the next few davs with his parents Mr. and 2Hrs. William Ruh Miss Helen Wilson spent the week end in Port Huron Mrs. Eldon Martin and little son went to Port Huron Friday to visit friends for a few days Fred Andreae and Herbert Cavannaugh spent the week end viting friends In Ypsi- lanti Donald Sinclair visited in Port Huron Friday night and Saturday. Frank Holcomb and daughter Eva, arrived 'n Avoca on Saturday morning from Hillyard, Washington to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs.

Lambert Jones. JEDDO CARD OF THAXKS We to thank all who so kindly assisted us during our late bereavement and Rev. Bowser and Rev. Scott for their comforting n.n-r? alan thd Sfcho Choir and the many beautiful floral offerings. and to those who donated cara MRS.

GILBERT B. McINTYRE AND FAMILY. 5-22- In the Distriot Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan. Southern Division, In Admiralty. In the matter of the Libel and Petition of Port Huron and Sarnla Ferry Company, a Michigan corporation for Limitation of Its Liability as Sole Owner of the Steamer "Omar D.

conger." THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To tho Marshal of the United States for tho Eastern District of Michigan, Greeting: Whereas, a libel and petition were filed in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, In Admiralty, on the 15th day of April. 1922, by the Port Huron and Sarnla Ferry Company, a Michigan corporation, as owner of the Steamer "Omar D. Conger," praying for a limitation of its liability concerning the loss, damage or injury occasioned by the disaster or explosion to or upon said steamer, on or about the 26th day of March, 1922, for the reasons and causes In said libel and petition mentioned, and praying that a monition of Baid court in that behalf be issued and that all persons claiming damages for any and all loss, damage or injury caused by or resulting from the said disaster set forth in said libel and petition may be thereby cited to appear before eaid court and make due proof of their respective claims, and all proceedings being had, that if it shall appear that said petitioner is not liable for any such loss, destruction, damage or injury, It may tie so finally decreed by this court; and WHERAS, said libelant and petitioner has duly transferred all of its interest in all that remains of said steamer following said disaster, together with all Its right, title and interest to the wreck of said vessel as it now lies, and its freight pending. If any there be, to William W.

Sumner, Esquire, of Detroit, as trustee, in accordance with th6 order of said court, and said court has accordingly ordered that a monition issue against all persons claiming damages for any loss, destruction, damage or injury done, occasioned or incurred by said disaster, citing them to appear and make due proof of their respective claims. You are therefore, commanded to cite all persons claiming damages for any loss, destruction, damage or Injury occasioned by said disaster or explosion, to appear before said court and make due proof of their respective claims, before William S. Sayres, Esquire, of Detroit, tho Commissioner designated and appointed by the court herein, at his office in the Federal Building, in the City of Detroit, in said District, on or before the 7th day of August, 1922, at ten o'clock In the forenoon; and you are also commanded to cite such claimants to appear and answer the allegations of the libel and petition herein on or before said last named date or within such further time as this court may grant, and to have and receive such relief as may be due. And what your have done in the premises do you then make return to this court together with this writ. WITNESS the Honorable Arthur J.

Tuttle, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, this 19th day of April. 1922. and of the Independence of the United States of America, the One Hundred and Forty-sixth. ELMER W. VOOR-HEIS, Clerk.

(Seal). Filed in Clerk's Office, April 19. 1922. ELMER W. VOORHEIS.

Clerk. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Eastern District of Michigan, ss. Elmer W. Voorheis, Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of monition in the therein entitled cause, as the same appears on file and of record In my office: that I have compared the same with the original it is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at Detroit, in said district, the twenty-first day of April, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-sixth.

ELMER W. VOORHEIS. Clerk, by Mary J. Dealy. DeDuta.

M-8-7 Detroit United Lines PORT HURON TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 8. 1921. Cars run on Eastern Standard Time LIMITEDS m. and every two hours to 7:22 p.

Mondays only 6:02 m. Sunday only 10:06 p. m. LOCALS 5:68 a. m.

and hourly to 7:68 a. m- then every two hours to 3:58 p. hourly to 5:68 p. then 7:58 p. m.

To Mt. Clemens only 9:30 p. to Marine City 11 n. m. Limited cars leave Detroit for Port Huron, 8:10 a.

m. and every two hours to 8:10 p. Sundays only 11 p. m. Local cars leave 5:65 a.

m- 6:55 a. m- and every two hours to 2:56 p. m- hourlyto 4:55 p. also 6:55 p. ra.

and ff55 p. m. Baggage transferred to and from any part of the city. Phone 18. TRAVEL BY AUTO and get the fresh air.

The National Auto Transit Co. maintains a regular passenger schedule from Port Huron to Detroit connecting with cars for all points in Michigan and Toledo, O. Leave- from Hotels Harrington or Metropole. 0-22 FOR SALE OR RENT 7 room bungalow. Phone 1395.

4-5-0 STORE FOR RENT First floor 509 Water St. possession July 1. C. C. Peck, U.

S. Savings Bank. -17- Store To Rent On water In Stewart Block. Possession can bo given Hay 1. S.

W. McFARLAND, Room 16, Whito Building. 4-24-0 FOR RENT Modern nine "room house with garage, across from new Washington school; 1011 Chestnut St. 5-24 TO RENT Office space in the best location In town; call at 902i Military street or phore 1046" R-1'0 TO RENT Modern house with garage. W.

S. Henderson. 10 Huron phone 223. 6-22 A GOOD GARAGE Cement floor, water, electric light; enquire 605 Chestnut street. 5-22 TO RENT Alodern eight-room house, Elk street, car line; call 618 Water stret.

520 A GOOD GARAGE Cement floor, water, electric light; enquire fii5 Chestnut street; 5-2U FOR RENT House, modern, 1120 Rawlings street; inquire 927 Stone street. 5-20 TO RENT Seven room upper duplex, modern; 2108 Military St. 524 HOUSES FOR RENT inqnlro 304J Huron avenuo. t-5-0 TO RENT Store at 615 Park street 522 FOR RENT Garage, 927 Willow St. 5-20 To Rent Rooms FOR RENT Three neatly furnished rooms, complete kitchen, private entrance, bath and phone, garage if desired; 152S Eighth street, corner of Grlswold.

6-22-0 TO RENT A pleasant moden apartment, six rooms and bath; also a four room apartment at 1421 Military street. Apply P. O. box 2 S3 or eo S. F.

DeViney. 6-22 TO RENT Two rooms with Kitchenette for light housekeeping: also a small modern furnished apartment with private bath. Apply Mrs. Faken, 772 Water 3u 5-22 TO RENT Light housekeeping ap-artment, two rooms and kitchenette completely furnished; 744 Water street; phone 1011W. B-22 TWO LARGE sleeping rooms suitable for four or five gentlemen, ono block from Lapeer car and board; 1Q39 Pearl St.

5-22 A FURNISHED sleeping room for rent. centrally located, three blocks from the posto'flce; 809 Ninth St. S-24 TO RENT Modern light housekeeping rooms, everything furnished; phone 945W or 1022 Glllett street. 5-22 TO RENT Room on city's best res-idential section. gentlemen preferred: references required; phone 412.

5-22 TO RENT Three room furnished apartment and bath. 914 Eighth street; phone 1385R. 5-22 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, 621 Ontario street, one minute's walk from city hall. o-g3 TO RENT Furnished apartment, modern: down town; apply 919 Ri-rth street. R-22 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room.

$3 per week; phone 348W; Wall St. 5-22 ANTED Three furnished bv voung couple; call 2592J; 619 St r-iaii- St. 5-24 TO RENT Modern flat, four rooms. and bath, also garage; 913 Cres- cent Place. 6-24 TO RENT Completely furnished rooms, third floor over Knili's drug store.

FOR RENT Four unUrn.VS?ie housekeeping rooms; 1109 street. 2t For Sale Farms FOR SALE Eighty acre farm, two miles south of Goodells. on the gravel road. Artimus Cowles. Goodells.

Mich. 5--1 Lake Huron Frontage FOR SALE Cottage Tt Desmond beach; small payment down, balance easy terms; box 44 Tlmes-Herald. 5 Acre Lots for Sale by owner. 4 blocks from street car line and St. Clair river.

Reasonable if you have the cash. Phone 1818-J. Mrs. Jennie Schafer. 6-23 Organized 1845 The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, J.

Purely Mutual No Stockholders Policies non-forfeitable after the payment of one premium. Under he Accelerative Endowment Plan, originated and adopted by the company In 1875, Insurance Is furnished at ordinary life rates. GEO. B. HODGEMAN, District Manager Phone 633-J 1115 Lapeer Ave Port Huron, Mich.

SPRING o- 1 cutan nsia lathe- icoibh. motor ration polishing buffing and grinding machine. FOR SALE 1 Fourteen irrch by ten foot Screw Cutting Engine Lathe i Fourteen inch Power Drill Press. 1 Five H. P.

Motor MOAK MACHINE TOOL CO. Phones 890-2562 5-6-E-O-D tf 'WEBB-HIGGINS COAL CO. Immediate Delivery Phone 1323 xv luxiiJNH; TU ULi (J (J. Phones S90.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.